
Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland that induces sleep. For a long time, melatonin has been used as an active ingredient of drugs used to treat insomnia and other sleeping disorders. It has the ability to regulate the body clock and control the body's sleep and wake periods known as the circadian rhythm. Melatonin is derived from the essential amino acid tryptophan found mostly in milk and dairy products. The secretion of melatonin is regulated by the environment, stimulated by dark and inhibited by light. That's why people have less sleeping periods during the day and have longer sleeping time at night.

From tryptophan, serotonin is produced and finally, melatonin. Aside from milk and dairy products, other sources of tryptophan include oats, sweet corn, rice, ginger, bananas, tomatoes, and barley. Their melatonin contents are fairly in small quantities ranging from 500-1800 picograms of melatonin per gram. In children, production of melatonin is higher than adults. Sleep periods in children are more crucial because it also involves not just their rest periods but also their growth and development. As people grow older, the secretion of melatonin decreases and they find it more difficult to go to sleep. Deficiency of melatonin production leads to insomnia and other health problems as melatonin do not just induce sleep but also provides the body with other health benefits.

Melatonin Benefits

  • Melatonin helps in alleviating stress and fatigue by giving the body enough time to regenerate energy through adequate and restful sleep.
  • Melatonin can be a natural way of birth control as it can suppress libido by inhibiting the production of the luteinizing hormone (LH) and the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) released by the adrenal gland in the brain.
  • In women, melatonin helps in determining when menstruation begins, its frequency and duration. It helps women to do prepare for all the discomforts of their monthly periods.
  • Melatonin has antioxidant properties that slows the aging process and gives you a more youthful look. Antioxidants are scavengers of free radicals, the by products of damaging oxidative processes occurring in the body.
  • Melatonin has the ability to boost the immune system. It grants the body stronger resistance against infections and common diseases like colds and flu.
  • For travellers, melatonin eases jet lag by regulating the body's time clock faster.
  • Studies suggest that melatonin is helpful in easing withdrawal symptoms of dependency to benzodiazepines and smoking.
  • Melatonin may be used to relieve cluster headaches.

Melatonin Side Effects

Consult your doctor prior to use as it produces some side effects, may affect existing health problems, and interact with other medications. Side effects of melatonin include daytime drowsiness, upset stomach, headache, dizziness, irritability, decreased sperm count, and decreased libido.

Pregnant, nursing women are not advised to take melatonin. Those taking antidepressants, antipsychotics, benzodiazepines, and blood pressure medications are not recommended to take melatonin supplements as it may decrease the effects of these drugs.