Cetyl Myristoleate

Cetyl Myristoleate (CMO) is a natural fatty acid produced from the combination of cetyl alcohol and myristoleic acid derived from plant and animal oils. CMO is used for natural arthritis treatment and other joint health problems because of its ability to lubricate the joints. Clinical tests show that Cetyl Myristoleate produces the same benefits as the Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) such as linotenic and linolelic acid. However, Cetyl Myristoleate benefits are more effective and longer lasting.

Cetyl Myristoleate was first discovered by Dr. Harry Diehl in 1972, on his quest to find an effective arthritis treatment for his friend. Diehl tried to induced arthritis to lab mice and found out that mice have natural immunity against arthritis because of cetyl myristoleate circulating in their bloodstream. CMO works in several ways, first by interfering with the production of the inflammatory inducing substances prostaglandin and leukotriene. It serves as an excellent lubricant for the joints, by acting as a shock absorber to reduce friction between the bones and the cartilages which usually cause wear and tear. More importantly, cetyl myristoleate inhibits the autoimmune reaction between the immune cells and the body’s own cells.

Cetyl Myristoleate Benefits

  • Cetyl Myristoleate provides all natural and alternative arthritis treatment. It prevents connective tissue beakdown to suppress the inflammatory process in arthritis. Taking cetyl mristoleate supplements have been shown to offer arthritis pain relief and improve mobility in arthritic patients.
  • Cetyl Myristoleate is particularly useful for autoimmune conditions. Autoimmune diseases are caused by the immune cells attacking the body’s own cells. Aside from arthritis, other autoimmune disorders include lupus, psoriasis, fibromyalgia, and gout.
  • CMO is a potent immune system regulator. It enhances the ability of the immune cells to fight off microorganisms that initiates infections like the common colds, flu, and other upper respiratory infections.
  • Cetyl Myristoleate can be used as a substitute for synthetic pain relievers. It can be used to relieve muscle and joint pains after vigorous exercise.
  • As a joint support nutrient, cetyl Myristoleate helps in relieving the symptoms of other joint inflammatory conditions like bursitis and tendonitis.
  • Cetyl myristoleate has potential anti-ageing effects. Further studies are being done for this claim. Some experts believe that the anti-ageing effects of CMO are attributed for its ability to increase physical mobility in patients with degenerative or age-related joint diseases.

Cetyl Myristoleate Side Effects

Cetyl myristoleate supplements are 100% safe. Until this date, there are no known side effects due to long term use of cetyl myristoleate, even in high doses. High quality cetyl myristoleate supplements do not contain harsh chemicals that may cause any untoward effects. Individuals with history of liver disease should not take cetyl myristoleate supplements without the doctor’s advice. Cetyl myristoleate is not recommended for Pregnant and nursing women.