Dimethylaminoethanol or simply DMAE is an antioxidant compound found in high concentrations in fishes like salmon and sardines. It is also found in the body in small quantities, specifically in the brain. DMAE has been recently discovered to prevent the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of ageing. Established DMAE benefits are more on nervous system support like improving memory and concentration. The most fundamental function of Dimethylaminoethanol is preventing the deterioration of the cell membranes, which highly contributes to premature ageing.

Based their clinical studies, experts conclude that Dimethylaminoethanol stimulates the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is released by the nerves in the central (brain) and peripheral (spinal cord) nervous system. In the brain, this neurotransmitter regulates memory, mood, and learning. Thus, its deficiency can lead to serious cognitive impairment, memory loss, and depression. Meanwhile, acetylcholine in the peripheral nervous system regulates skeletal muscles movement and also influences the smooth and cardiac muscles.

The average concentrations of Dimethylaminoethanol in the body are just enough to maintain normal brain functions. People with mental health problems and other individuals with special needs for it cannot solely rely on the dietary DMAE sources.

DMAE Benefits

  • DMAE is clinically proven to be a potent Brain enhancer. For so many years, DMAE supplements are popular for improving memory, learning, and concentration. Individuals who experience short term or long term memory loss can benefit from taking DMAE supplements. More importantly, Dimethylaminoethanol can be used to improve memory and intellectual functions in the elderly.
  • DMAE supplements are considered natural mood enhancers. By increasing acetylcholine levels in the brain, DMAE can help in relieving depression and other mood disorders.
  • Long term use of DMAE creams or pills produce age-defying benefits for the skin. It lightens age spots which usually appear on the face, hands, and arms formed from lipofuscin. Lipofuscin are waste products of cells that usually accumulate with ageing. DMAE cream is a very popular beauty product for ageing women. Another age-defying benefit of Dimethylaminoethanol is skin tightening to prevent sagging. It helps maintain the skin’s youthful suppleness and fullness to make it more resistant against wrinkles.
  • DMAE protects the neurons and heart muscles from free radical damage. As a potent antioxidant, it works by scavenging harmful free radicals which causes cellular damage, cell death, and eventually loss of function or disease to its organ.
  • Dimethylaminoethanol helps in achieving physical strength and higher energy levels. By helping produce more acethylcholine, DMAE also increases the body’s energy levels to alleviate chronic fatigue and improve physical performance.

DMAE Side Effects

DMAE supplements are best started in the minimum recommended dosage. Reported DMAE side effects include headaches, insomnia, muscle tension, and drowsiness.

Individuals who are diagnosed with seizure disorders and manic depression are not advised to take DMAE supplements.