
Niacin or Vitamin B3 is one of the B complex vitamins needed for the release of energy in cells. This water soluble vitamin also regulates glucose, hormones, hydrochloric acid, lipid, and blood circulation. Niacin is available in the market as prescription medications and as dietary supplements. The body needs 14-18 mg of Niacin per day, with increased requirements for pregnant and nursing women of up to 20 mg. The diet is a good source of Niacin, aka Vitamin B3. Niacin rich foods are rice, wheat, fish, animal liver, peanuts, and lean meat.

Niacin supplements are actually available in three forms: nicotinic acid, nicotinamide, and inositol hexaniacinate. Regardless of its form, they are usually packed and advertised as Vitamin B3, or niacin. Among the three, nicotinic acid is the most studied for its positive effects on cholesterol.  Nicotinamide is the amide derivative of nicotinic acid and is used to prevent the flushing side effects of the latter. Inositol hexaniacinate is also known as the “flush free niacin” because it is specially modified not to produce the unwanted niacin side effects.

Niacin Benefits

  • Its ability to manage healthy cholesterol levels is one of the most important niacin benefits. Niacin works by increasing HDLs (High Density Lipoproteins) and lowering LDLs (low density Lipoproteins). Studies conclude that Niacin via niacin supplements can increase HDLs (good cholesterol) by approxiamately 5-35 percent and can decrease LDLs (bad cholesterol) by up to 5-25 percent. High cholesterol levels are the leading cause of heart diseases and hypertension.
  • Having enough niacin vitamin in the body is the number one prevention of Pellagra. Pellagra is a disease condition manifested by the four “Ds” that stands for dermatitis, dementia, diarrhea, and death.
  • Niacin supplements can be considered as an alternative treatment for schizophrenia. Niacin is the vitamin counterpart of the amino acid tryptophan. Schizophrenia has been linked to tryptophan deficiency.
  • By working together with Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), Niacin helps promote healthy skin
  • Use of niacin vitamins can slow the progression of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a blood circulation problem where there are plaque deposits in the arteries, obstructing blood flow. Atherosclerosis can lead to several cardiovascular diseases.

Niacin Deficiency

People who are on vegan diet and those who drink alcohol frequently are at risk for developing niacin deficiency. Lack of protein in the diet causes poor niacin supply and alcohol inhibits niacin absorption. The signs and symptoms of niacin deficiency include dementia, diarrhea, dizziness, ringing in the ears, fatigue, indigestion, insomnia, hypoglycemia, muscle weakness, canker sores and skin eruptions, bad breath, and insomnia. Severe niacin deficiency leads to pellagra, a fatal disease condition characterised by diarrhea, skin problems, mental disorders, and depression.