Bee Pollen

Bee Pollen is considered as nature’s “most complete food” due to its very high nutrient content. The use of bee pollen as dietary supplement can even be traced in the bible and other ancient literatures from other countries. Also, known health practitioners of the olden times like the father of medicine himself, Hippocrates, Pliny the elder, and Phytagoras were said to use this bee product in treating several ailments. They believed that healing is one of the most important bee pollen benefits.

Bee pollen has the ability to rejuvenate the body, stimulate various organs and glands, enhance vitality, and lengthen man’s life span. Athletes and other people who need increased energy levels turn to bee pollen products to increase the quality of their performance as it has the ability to strengthen the stamina and boost energy. Malnourished individual use bee pollen supplements to correct their vitamin and mineral deficiencies and eventually achieve a healthier body. The very reason why it is called a complete food is because pure bee pollen supplies all the essential nutrients of the body. Below is the complete list of the nutritional content of bee pollen:

  • Bee pollen vitamins: Vitamin A, B-complex vitamins, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Choline, Rutin, and Inositol
  • Bee pollen minerals: Iron, Calcium, Copper, Selenium, Magnesium, Potassium, Manganese, Selenium, Molybdenum, Iodine, Zinc, Sodium, Sulfur
  • Others: Amino Acids, Fats and Fatty Acids, carbohydrates, Enzymes and co-enzymes

Health Benefits of Bee Pollen

  • Bee pollen can prevent bacterial infection as it contains a substance that inhibits the growth of many harmful bacteria like salmonella, the causative agent for typhoid fever.
  • The high fiber and cellulose content promotes health digestive tract and prevents GI problems like constipation.
  • Regular intake of bee pollen can improve blood composition especially those people suffering from anemia. Studies suggested that there have been notable increase of red blood cells and white blood cells in anemic patients which in turn improves symptoms like fatigue and paleness. It also promotes good circulation.
  • Bee pollen prevents high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and other diseases linked to high cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Bee pollen has the ability to strengthen the immune system by increasing the levels of antibodies in the blood. Strong immune system provides high resistance against common colds and flu and other infections.
  • Regular users of bee pollen and bee pollen products can lose weight more effectively and faster. The high lecithin content of bee pollen improves metabolism and helps in flushing fat cells. It also controls food cravings.
  • Bee pollen increases sexual appetite and enhances sexual performance. In women, it promotes health reproductive system and provides relief from pre-menstrual symptoms.
  • Bee pollen can relieve the symptoms of asthma and other allergic reactions.
  • Bee pollen gives a more vibrant and youthful glow by slowing the aging process.

Bee pollen side effects

Side effects due to excessive bee pollen intake are rare. However, those with known allergies to bee products are not advised to take bee pollen as it may present similar allergic symptoms.