
Pycnogenol is the more famous name given to a bioflavonoid complex derived from the maritime pine bark extract. The European Maritime Pine tree (Pinus Maritima) is native to les Landes de Gascogne, which is Europe’s single largest forest located in the south-west region of France. Extensive studies have been conducted on pycnogenol to establish its positive benefits on human health. These researches have shown pycnogenol’s powerful antioxidant protection against free-radical induced health problems.

Every day, the body generates free radicals. More free radicals are produced when the body is exposed to stress, pollution, smoking, and unhealthy foods. Free radicals are unstable chemicals that damage the cells by inducing oxidative stress. The damage of free radicals to cells can be compared to the destruction caused by rust to metal. Because of these effects, free radicals are very harmful to health and according to scientists, are the leading cause of degenerative diseases. Antioxidants like pycnogenol protects the cells from these free radicals in two ways: first by stimulating the cell’s natural free-radical defenses and second, by scavenging free radicals circulating in the bloodstream.

Pycnogenol Benefits

  • The antioxidant pycnogenol can be used as first hand prevention against degenerative diseases – or the diseases related to aging. Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and dementias. Taking pycnogenol supplements during adulthood can be considered prevention against these age-related health problems.
  • Apart from being an antioxidant in itself, pycnogenol also improves the body’s supply of other antioxidants. The pycnogenol complex works with Vitamin C to recycle Vitamin E.
  • For the skin, pycnogenol offers anti-inflammatory and anti-atherogenic benefits. These skin care benefits of pycnogenol can help relieve atopic dermatitis, lupus erythematosus, and psoriasis.
  • Antioxidants like pycnogenol help retain water in the skin to keep it moisturised. With consistent moisture, the skin is able to maintain a healthy tone and its natural smoothness. Pycnogenol for the skin also makes the it stronger against the undesirable effects of aging such as fine lines,wrinkles, and sagging.
  • Many experts claim that pycnogenol is useful for modulating the immune system.  Factors like stress, diseases, and smoking weaken the immune system, making the body more prone to infections. A stronger immune system is the body’s first line of defense against flu and colds.
  • The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of pycnogenol are very useful in relieving asthma. The signs and symptoms of asthma are results of a chronic inflammatory process.
  • Emerging studies suggest that use of pycnogenol supplements benefit male sexual health. By helping increase the production of Nitric oxide, pycnogenol helps men sustain an erection. At the same time, pycnogenol supplements can improve sperm quality and motility.

Pycnogenol Side Effects

With the correct use, pycnogenol supplements produce no side effects. On the other hand, undirected use may produce mild pycnogenol side effects. Known pycnogenol side effects include nausea, diarrhea, and stomach upset.