
Quercetin is a chemical naturally found in herbs, fruits, and vegetables. This bioflavonoid is well known today as a dietary supplement because of its highly potent anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and even anti-cancer properties. Apart from quercetin supplements, it can also be found in the skin of apples, citrus fruits, red grapes, and red onions. Also, the numerous quercetin benefits have led manufacturers to make it one of the major ingredients in variety of health drinks, foods, and vitamins. Regular intake of quercetin in any form can prevent disorders due to free radical accumulation and inflammation like allergic reactions, arthritis, macular degeneration, gout, several forms of cancer, and various heart diseases.

Quercetin Benefits

  • Quercetin offers allergy relief as it prevents the release of the chemical histamine from immune cells. The anti-histamine action of quercetin generally prevents the itchy, sneezing, and inflammation experienced during allergy attacks.
  • Quercetin is helps the skin and the joints to be more healthy by increasing the production of collagen and fibronectin.
  • As a highly effective anti-oxidant, Quercetin slows the appearance of many signs of aging like wrinkles. As a matter of fact, there are many cosmetic products in the market that contain quercetin vitamins.
  • According to different studies, quercetin also speeds up wound healing and helps in the faster repair of nerve tissue damage in the skin.
  • Quercetin can significantly improve the symptoms of arthritis and pelvic pain symptoms.
  • In men, regular use of quercetin supplements can prevent prostate cancer as it inhibits the growth of prostate cancer cells.
  • Quercetin is good for the cardiovascular system. It strengthens the capillaries in the body and helps in ensuring that almost all organs of the body is supplied with the adequate amount of blood they need to perform normal function.
  • Quercetin is useful in preventing heart diseases. Quercetin prevents the accumulation of macrophages containing large amount of cholesterol. These macrophages usually form into plaques and block the arteries causing increased blood pressure, coronary artery disease, heart attack, stroke, and atherosclerosis.

Quercetin Side Effects

Quercetin side effects may be experienced if use is more than the recommended Quercetin dose of 100-250 mg three times a day. Known side effects of quercetin are difficulty in breathing, feeling of tightness in the chest or throat, chest pain, and skin rashes.

Also, quercetin produces undesirable adverse effects if used with Digoxin, Cyclosporine, Sandimmune, Ciprofloxacin, and many anti-bacterial preparations.

Until today, the effect of quercetin to pregnant and nursing women is still unknown. Pregnant and nursing mothers should not take quercetin supplements without Doctor’s advice.