Apple Pectin

What is pectin? Pectin is a dietary fiber naturally found in fruits. Pectin in apples is called apple pectin. The skin and pulp of apples is rich in this nutritional supplement. Soluble fibers usually “gel up” when dispersed in water and this mechanism allows them to be very useful in maintaining digestive health. In the intestines, Apple pectin works by acting like a broom that brushes off toxins and waste materials away from the body for healthy detox. When apple pectin gels up, it encourages more water to increase stool volume and for effective bowel movement. Additionally, Apple pectin is one of the antioxidants or the substances that exhibit protection against cell damaging free radicals.

Natural apple pectin is supplied by making apples and other fruits containing pectin to be part of the regular diet. Since this nutrient is found in the skin, people who prefer eating apples with its skin peeled-off may not get enough apple pectin. Otherwise, apple pectin supplements which are widely available in different brands are also practical apple pectin sources.

Apple Pectin Benefits

  • Apple pectin naturally helps restore intestinal balance to maintain total digestive health. This dietary fiber works by supporting efficient elimination of harmful toxins through the stool. Healthy detoxification helps prevent and treat digestive problems like diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, bloating, and inflammatory bowel disease.
  • A study published in the Journal of National Cancer Institute suggests that Apple pectin has anti-carcinogenic properties. Apple pectin produces its anti-cancer effects by binding into the carcinogenic substances in the colon and eliminating them in the stools.
  • Apple pectin offers effective weight loss. In one study, apple pectin has shown to lower cholesterol by flushing them into the stool. This benefit will help individuals struggling to trim down excess fats.
  • Apple pectin may reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. This nutritional supplement can decrease overall serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels to for efficient blood circulation. Cholesterol and triglycerides are the leading cause of hypertension, heart attack, coronary artery disease, and atherosclerosis.
  • Apple pectin is involved in stress management. Experts suggest that Apple pectin can inhibit the production of the stress-inducing hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine in the parts of the brain involved in controlling the body’s response to stress.
  • Apple pectin supplements can help manage diabetes. In a study published in Annals of Medicine, apple pectin has shown to lower blood glucose levels.

Apple Pectin Side Effects

Known apple pectin side effects are generally mild. There have been reports of diarrhea, loss of appetite, and bloating. Long term use of apple pectin supplements can also lead to decrease absorption of minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc. Increased in occurrence of these adverse effects have been observed with undirected apple pectin use.